One of the many intriging aspects of the work and life of Townsend Brown is that whenever
his name is mentioned, the so-called Philadelphia Experiment (TPX) inevitably comes up. The TPX, as legend has
it, was an attempt, by the U.S. Navy during World War II, to create an invisibility field around
a ship, in this case, the U.S.S. Eldridge (DE-173 class). Reams and reams of stories, articles, books have been
written regarding the TPX, and accusations between the differing factions have waxed and waned over
the years.
The most well-known book regarding the TPX was "The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility," by William L. Moore in
consultation with Charles Berlitz (deceased), dated 1979. The book contains a full chapter entitled, "The Force Fields of Townsend
Brown," in which the authors describe Townsend Brown's research into the Biefeld-Brown Effect and hypothesize the possibility
of he and his work being integrated into the TPX.
The reasoning behind the inclusion of the chapter has been a matter of debate for some time, although it appears that Mr
Moore's association with Dr. Reilly H. Crabb of Borderland Sciences, whose belief that Townsend Brown was possibly in
charge of the TPX was probably instrumental in the inclusion.
Various significant errors in research procedures and reliance on unreliable sources has come to light in more recent years.
For example, on pp. 235-236, Mr. Moore's discusses his attempt at an "investigative ploy" :
"Interested to discover whether these early deguassing experiments may in fact have been forerunners of the far more
complicated Philadelphia Experiment, Moore attempted an investigative ploy with another scientist known to have been heavily
involved in the Navy's early deguassing efforts [confirmed as being Townsend Brown by the Townsend Brown family-ed.].
Having previously written a brief account of that scientist's life as part of a projected magazine article
[Wizard of Electrogravity, 1978-ed.], he hit upon the idea
of trying to determine whether he knew anything about Allende's ship experiment by arranging to have him edit and approve a
draft of that article, and then loading the draft with a specially prepared paragraph before submitting it to him. Thus the draft
manuscript which he recieved [confirmed by the Townsend Brown family-ed.] contained the following 'planted'
...The object of this , of course, was to observe this man's reaction to the planted material by watching what he did with it in the
editing process. The surprise came with the return of the edited document. As requested the scientist had indeed penciled in
numerous suggestions, corrections, additions, and delletions...but had allowed to stand without change or comment the entire
test paragraph !...
...The cover letter letter which came with the manuscript seemed to clinch it. "As to the draft of your article," it said, the
information "appears to be essentially correct [ed.]."
Interestingly enough, quoting from a reliable source assigned as an escort to Townsend Brown for a number of years off and on from
the 1940's through 1980's:
"Dr. Brown was an accurate speller and an excellent wordsmith. His penmanship, if you have a chance to notice it, was controlled
and elegant. I personally have experienced his " proofreading skills" and his abundant use of a red pen to correct mistakes, and I
made plenty and still do.
The phrase he used to use with me was that my report was "substantially correct [ed.]" (which was his code phrase meaning
that there was a hole in the report big enough to drive a truck through. "Substantially correct "for him was not good enough and
if you thought that was a phrase used as a compliment you were WAY off base)."
This information casts significant doubt on the reliability of the included chapter and book as a whole.
Although "The Philadelphia Experiment" was one of the first books to investigate the TPX, the legend really began with one
man, Mr. Carl(os) Miguel (Merideth) Allen(de), a sailor claiming to have been on an accompanying ship, the S.S. Andrew
Furuseth, during one experimental attempt. If anything is to be made of the legend, it seems reasonable to go back to the original
Qualight Systems does not take any official position on the existence or non-existence of the TPX, and any potential
scientific aspects of such an experiment seem to be clouded by the legend that has grown up around it. The
following are a few of the voluminous letters sent to Mr. William Moore by Mr. Carlos Allende during the 1970's.
Relevant Documents:
Additional documents by Mr. Carlos Allende can be found in the University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center repository. The Carlos Allende Papers,
created by Mr. Carlos Allende, covers 1943-1994 (bulk 1957-1984), contains the following documentation as described at the
Rocky Mountain Online Archive:
"The collection contains correspondence and other materials on theories of interstellar travel and UFOs compiled by Carlos Allende, who
claimed to have witnessed the "Philadelphia Experiment" of 1943."
Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library, Gray Barker Collection:
The Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library, located in Clarksburg, West Virginia, has been kind enough to allow us
to present a number of documents from the Gray Barker Collection. Gray Barker, the legendary UFO writer and publisher, was a
Braxton County native and for many years a Clarksburg resident.
The Gray Barker Collection is open to the public and their website with location, hours, and contact information can be
found here.
Please note that some of the documents below may be under copyright by the Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library.
Mr. Carlos (Carl) Allende Correspondence: Miscellaneous identification for Mr. Carl Allen.
Miscellaneous identification for Mr. Carl Allen.
Postcard to Mr. Gray Barker, dated April 23, year unknown.
Letter to Professor Roger B. Culver, dated June 6, 1980.
Letter to Mr. William Moore, circa 1980.
Partial letter to Mrs. Anna Genzlinger [Anna Lykins Genzlinger,
The Jessup Dimension-ed.] regarding Mr.
William Moore, date unknown.
General Correspondence: Letter from Mr. T. Townsend Brown to Mr. Ed Hull, dated November, 1955.
Letter from Mr. "Jim" to Mr. Gray Barker, dated July 26, 1977.
Letter from Mr. Alton Teague to Mr. Gray Barker, dated September 1, 1980.
Letter from Mr. Brian Parks to Mr. Gray Barker, dated January 29, 1981.
Letter from Mr. Gray Barker to Senor Serrano, dated January 6, 1982.
Letter from Mr. William R. Nesbitt to Mr. Gray Barker, dated September 30, 1982.
Letter from Mr. Z. Hansen to Mr. Gray Barker, dated December 23, 1982.
Letter from Mr. Lee Reynolds to Mr. Gray Barker, dated January 4, 1983.
Letter from Mr. Z. Hansen to Mr. Gray Barker, dated January 19, 1983.
The Philadelphia Experiment: An Update, by Mr. William Moore, copyright 1984.
Transcript of Mr. Gray Barker interview with Mr. William Moore,
date unknown.
Official Correspondence: Letter from the Department of the Navy to Ms. Anna Genzlinger,
dated November 1, 1977.
Letter from the Department of the Navy to Mr. Alfred Mills,
dated November 1, 1977.
Letter from the Department of the Navy to Mr. John T. Cokos,
dated November 24, 1980.
Letter from the Department of the Navy, Commander, Naval Base,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Mr. Hans Thoma, and forwarding letter to Mr. Gray Barker, dated August 4, 1982.
General Documentation: "Notes on Townsend Brown as revealed in correspondence with Carl
H. Bets," by Mr. Edward W. Hermann to Mr. Gray Barker, dated February 16, 1955.
What list would be complete without Mr. Allende's earliest interaction with M. K. Jessup in the
infamous Varo Edition of "The Case for the UFO," as transcribed by The Quantum Future Group,
Castelnau-Barbarens, France in 2003. Preface by Mr. Gray Barker.
The documents above were scanned onsite by the Quonset Hut Forum
member known as Pladuim, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time. We are grateful for the significant time Pladuim has
put into researching, sorting and scanning documents for this project.