Gravitational Radiation
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Townsend Brown discovered over the course of his lifetime, that gravity had a parallelity to electromagnetism in that for every
electromagnetic effect (light, radio, heat, etc.) there appeared to exist a corresponding gravitational effect. This section closely
overlaps the
electrogravitic communications section, as a communication system is one of the most
obvious potential uses of gravitational waves.
The current state of modern physics embraces the "Standard Model" of particle physics. A satisfactory description of the
Standard Model of particle physics is found at
which begins:
"The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory which describes three of the four known fundamental interactions between
the elementary particles that make up all matter [electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravity]. It is a
quantum field theory developed between 1970 and 1973 which is consistent with both quantum mechanics and special relativity.
To date, almost all experimental tests of the three forces described by the Standard Model have agreed with its predictions.
However, the Standard Model falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions, primarily because of its lack of
inclusion of gravity, the fourth known fundamental interaction."
The Standard Model of particle physics has several short-comings; however one of the most obvious weaknesses is the
assumption that gravitational force must be transmitted in the same manner as the other forces - by particles known as bosons.
The theoretical boson responsible for gravity has become known as the graviton, and has been given a number of
distinguishing properties. The reason for any uncertainty and assumption here is because the graviton has not been
observed to-date.
In an unpublished document, "Part II, Structure of Space," dated 1942, Townsend Brown outlines a theory of the structure of
space (hence the name) representing an interpretation of experimental observations. Townsend Brown theorizes gravity
as a fundamental effect caused by variations in the permittivity (K) and permeability (

) in space - a theory based on a foundation
of electromagnetic properties.
The author of "
Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend
Brown,", Paul Schatzkin, provides his interpretation of the
Structure of Space:"
Relevant Documents:
"On the Possibilities of Optical-frequency Gravitational Radiation,
by Thomas Townsend Brown, Feb. 14, 1976 (Rev. Aug. 30, 1976). PDF (courtesty of the
Clarksville-Harrison Public Library, Gray Barker Collection).
Relevant Articles:
Faster than a Speeding Light
by E. E. Richards.
Gravity Waves -
Production of Gravity Waves for Communications and Propulsion Purposes.
Notes on Scalar Detector Designs
by Robert Shannon, 1996.
"T. Townsend Brown Studies Sidereal Radiation,"
the Psychic Observer, Sept.-Oct. 1975, Vol. 36, No. 4, p. 348.
"The Speed of Gravity
- What the Experiments Say" by Tom Van Flandern, Meta Research, Univ. of Maryland Physics, Army Research Lab.
"The Speed of Gravity
- Repeal of the Speed Limit" by Tom Van Flandern, Meta Research, Univ. of Maryland Physics, Army Research Lab.
Research Organizations:
Meta Research -
a scientific non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation presenting "scientifically viable challenges
to mainstream paradigms."