Test No. 104 - "Electrolytic Capacitor EL-7"
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Output Variations at 30oC
June 6 - 13, 1977
Stewart Ct. Laboratory
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Copyrighted © by The Townsend Brown family. All rights reserved.

To observe fluctuations in self-potential output of electrolytic
capacitor EL-7 at constant temperature 30
oC. Capacitor loaded
with 50 K.
The capacitor (by its construction) is hermetically sealed (against humidity
and barometric pressure changes) and the can (grounded) is almost completely
immersed in 50% ethylene glycol solution at 30
oC +/-
oC in constant-temperature bath (also grounded).
Potential reduced to the range (0-10 mV) of Houston recorder No.
2 by loading with 50 K. Circuit is as follows:
As shown on chart (Fig. 1), there appears to be no definite
diurnal periodicity in the self-potential of EL-7 during this period of
Considering that the capacitor is shunted by a 50 K load, the
potential developed is surprising.
The polarity reversed from positive to negative in this
capacitor early in June and remained negative throughout this test.

Graphic -
Figure 1

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