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Petrovoltaics is the spontaneous rectification of and storage of radiation in the form of electrical potential by certain materials.
Townsend Brown observed this effect in numerous materials, but the effect was most prevalent in granitic and volcanic rocks such as
in Koolau basalt found near the city of Honolulu in Hawaii and other complex siliates. Interestingly, the observed potentials
appeared to undergo definite circadian rhythms or cycles.
Attempting to isolate the petrovoltaic effect from other known phenomena such as piezoelectric, thermoelectric,
or pyroelectric phenomena, Townsend Brown shielded his "sensors," consisting of natural rock specimens or manufactured
materials, materials from electrostatic, thermal, humidic, and radiation effects. However, the electrical potentials remained, albeit
at lower values, and more interestingly, the cyclical nature of the potential was still present.
It was
these cycles that intrigued Townsend Brown - where was the energy coming from, and what interaction was
occurring between that energy and the materials of his sensors to produce measurable potentials with circadian rhythms ? He
theorized that the gravitational fields of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and planets were interacting with the mass of the sensors.
This theory sprung from the predicted observation that such an interaction would elicit a generally higher effect with more massive
sensor materials.
Relevant Documents:

"Apparent Correlation to
Galactic Center."
Please be advised that the above documents are copyrighted © by The Townsend Brown family. All rights reserved. Please
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Lake States Securities Corporation pamphlet. (PDF courtesty of the Clarksville-Harrison Public Library, Gray Barker
Sidereal Radiation: A Natural Radiation from Space,
Lake States Securities Corporation brochure. (PDF courtesty of the Clarksville-Harrison Public Library, Gray Barker
Don Lancaster's Tech
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"Tesla's New Discovery - Capacity of Electrical
Conductors is Variable," The New York Sun, January 1901.