Test No. 100 - "Temperature & Time-Series"
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June 3 - 15, 1977
Stewart Ct. Laboratory
Sunnyvale, CA
Copyrighted © by The Townsend Brown family. All rights reserved.

1. To check temperature dependence of certain rocks & capacitors as to
petroelectric (PE) output.
2. To check time-series output at fixed temperature.
A) Catalina granite R-31, coated with polyurethane, was placed
under oil (Quaker State 10) in tank No. 3, 50% Dowgard (ethylene glycol) and
temperature lowered to 0
oC (maintained for 3 hours for
stabilization). Then temperature was raised.
Fig. 1 shows curve of voltage rise during approx. 6 hrs.
thereafter, from 0
oC to 37
oC. This rock specimen had
extremely high resistance and current could not be measured with our
equipment. Readings of output are in millivolts.
Fig. 2 shows the decay with time and the circadian cycles in
the output for the next several days with temperature held constant at
oC +/- .1

Graphic -
Figures 1 and 2
B) Electrolytic capacitor ELH-1, being hermetically-sealed in a metal can
(grounded) was placed directly in the Dowgard (50% solution) in
"Lo-Temptrol" tank No. 3 and temperature lowered to 0
This test concurrent with the rock test (a).
Output of the capacitor was sufficient to be measured in picoamperes. This
output was fed to HP 425 A "Micro-volt ammeter," amplified and fed to a
Houston stripchart recorder.
As the temperature rose, current rose rapidly, especially through the
middle of the run, indicating (perhaps) a rate-of change effect, but
balanced off as temperature reached 37
Subsequently, in Fig. 2, the current fell sharply with time and showed
variations from day to day, also a deep negative "glitch" on June 11
beginning at about 2130 (local time) and several lesser (negative)
glitches thereafter.
a) The Catalina granite is temperature sensitive but not temperature
dependent. Daily (and other) variations, as indicated in the time-series
test, are present which change the output appreciably.
b) Electrolytic capcitor ELH-1 appears to be affected by rate-of-change of
temperature (see note). Other factors, however, as with (a) above, appear
to dominate. It is noted that the deep "glitch" which occurred on June 11th
not only reversed the polarity but continued downward to -5.4 pA and did
not again return to positive (except briefly) and toward the end of this
Note: It is possible that the peak in current output of the capacitor,
reached as the temperature was rising (Fig. 1), may not be a rate-of-change
effect but a momentary (secular) rise in the ELH-1 output during this

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