Prospecting for Oil by Resonant Telluric Induction
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(the petrovoltaic method)
Copyrighted © by The Townsend Brown family. All rights reserved.

Telluric electric currents encircling the Earth are regarded as being useful in prospecting for
oil and many minerals. Various methods have been developed through the years to detect and
identify materials deep in the Earth through which naturally-occurring telluric currents pass.
It is believed that fields of oil and mineral deposits of all kinds, by virtue of their
different electrical conductivities affect the belt of these earth-bound currents, producing
departures which are detectable.
For example, a deposit of iron or other conductive mineral will tend to compress the path of
the current, so that it posses largely through the deposit, whereas oil (being an insulator)
tends to expand the current around the deposit, producing a "bulge" in the current belt. The
change in intensity, caused by the bulge, inductively (and remotely) affects the petrovoltaic
sensors in the survey truck making possible an oil "signal". In brief, the presence of oil
causes alterations in the deep telluric currents which are carried inductively to the surface
and affect the resonant sensors.
Other methods of electric prospecting (in use today) require electrodes in contact with the
earth. Such electrodes must be buried or driven into the ground, and this is a time-consuming,
expensive disadvantage. The petrovoltaic method does not need or use electrodes. The sensors
are about the size of Geiger counters, may be held in the hand, and are readily portable. The
method is patentable.
Primary Energy Technology, Ltd. Electrical Prospecting Division Los Angeles, Calif.
September 10, 1985
Primary Energy Technology, Ltd.
Phoenix Geophysics, Inc.
(a joint venture)
A completely new all-electric method of oil exploration is to be introduced to the oil industry.
Preparations are being made to form a joint-venture between a high technology (physics research)
organization and an established oil exploration company to carry forward the investigation.
The new method makes use of the belt of telluric electric currents which occur in nature and
which encircle the crust of the Earth. Such currents are believed to be caused by high-energy
components of the Solar wind, trapped by the Earth's magnetic field. They traverse the
continents at a depth believed to be approximately that of oil deposits. It is predicted that
the presence of oil, due to its lower electrical conductivity, distorts the electric field of
the belt and causes resonant inductive effects in the surrounding rocks extending to the
surface. Hence, susceptible rocks in the vicinity can sense the presence of oil by inductive
resonance even though they may be insulated from the underlying telluric current belt.
The new method makes use of a technology which has come to be known as "petrovoltaic induction".
It is the generation of subliminal currents in rocks (and certain other heavy high-K dielectric)
even though the rocks may be fully encased (portable) and completely insulated from the Earth.
This work has been carried forward by a number of universities, using monitoring stations across
the U.S., over a period of about 10 years. Only recently, has the petrovoltaic phenomenon been
considered to be associated with the "parent" telluric currents and the possibilities of its
use in the exploration of oil.
Is it Valid?:
The question is asked - "What evidence do we have that petrovoltaic sensors can detect the
presence of oil?" This, of course, is the question any investor would ask who might be
considering investing time or money in the Joint Venture.
The answer is, as yet, no solid empirical evidence one way or the other. No tests have ever been
conducted which would positively establish a connection. If such a connection were definitely
established today, there would be no need for further research and the results then assured,
would be worth millions. Unfortunately, this is not the case. would be wonderful if it were.
To be able to eliminate all of the uncertainties of exploration would, to say the least,
be a boon to the oil industry.
As with the seismic exploration which is in use today, and with sonic and chemical methods, the
chances are good (maybe 50-50) but not perfect. That is why no single method can be depended
upon. Only confirmation by all available methods is acceptable to the industry, and then only
with caution.
All have limitations. The seismic method, the favorite so far, is useless in certain geological
structures. The sonic method is limited in range. Chemical methods are far from certain. It is
admitted that the seismic, sonic and other methods with their present inaccuracies are being
used not because they are proved but because there is nothing better.
The electrical method is gaining favor over the others because of the comparatively recent
discovery of the fortunate part played by telluric currents, which are believed to pass through
the oil deposits. It follows, because of the high electrical resistance of oil, that the belt
of currents would be expanded and intensity diminished. It is reasoned that anything which can
measure the intensity of the current, either directly or by resonant induction, can apriori
"detect" oil.
Common Background:
The monitoring at nationwide petrovoltaic stations, which has been going on for the last several
years, has consistently revealed solar related (diurnal and pulsive) variations, traceable to
the Solar Wind. These sudden and distinctive signals are found also in nearby rocks inductively
coupled to the underlying telluric currents. One could say that "things equal to the same
things - are equal to each other", and that there is now little doubt that the petrovoltaic
phenomenon, through resonant induction, directly reveals the intensity of the basic telluric
Even at the start, a sub-section of "PETROPHOENIX" will be engaged in the search for new
geothermal reservoirs and the outlining of known fields, such as at Geyser and in the Coachella
Valley. The sensing of hotwater, so-called peri-thermal (remote heat) effect in the
petrovoltaic phenomenon has long been known in the laboratory, but no field studies have ever
been made. It is known that such studies are very much in demand. In Australia, and in the
arid countries, immediate contracts could be forthcoming. According to known laboratory
(tapes) records, peri-thermal technology is already advanced over that for oil, and this
suggests immediate financial return, with oil prospecting coming later.
Mineral Prospecting:
This is in a class by itself. The variety of minerals and the variety of effects upon sensors,
undoubtedly make the prospecting for specific minerals complicated and difficult. Unless by
some good fortune, resonance peaks exist and stand out as, let us say, with gold or silver, the
use of petrovoltaic method may be some time in coming. It is worhh keeping in mind, however.
Offshore Electrical Exploration:
The need to have electrodes (cadmium rods driven into the earth) precludes the use of the
present methods of a electric prospecting for offshore fields. The magnetotelluric method
MT presently developed by Phoenix Geophysics, Inc., must have 8 electrodes imbedded in the
earth to pick up the vestigial telluric currents. Another method in use today requires 32
electrodes. Hence, where electrodes are needed, offshore exploration is impossible.
Resonant Induction not so Limited:
The situation is quite different where the new resonant induction is used. No electrodes are
needed whether the survey is run over land or water, One might even run profiles from a motor
boat !
The new method, it must be recognized is in a class by itself. There is nothing like it in the
science of geophysical exploration today. Instead of having to make electrical contact with the
telluric currents directly, the new method makes use of so-called "resonant induction, where
the deep telluric currents resonate with endogenous (internal currents) within the ambient
rocks, and transfer energy to them by induction. These ambient rocks, acting as receptors or
sensors, need not be insitu, but can be small in size insulated from the earth and completely
portable. They may be easily carried about in a truck from one site to another and there can be
any number of sensors in different channels (like radio stations) to confirm a common background
reading. As a further advantage, the truck need not stop to take readings on station, and
considerable time can be saved in running profiles in the field.
Oil Prospecting:
Here, after all, we may have the greater profit potential. Anyone engaged in oil exploration
will admit, even using all existing methods - seismic, chemical, biochemical sonic or whatever,
the actual finding of oil is not a sure bet. The chances are greater, of course, when more
than one prospecting method is used, especially if all are used and give confirming results,
but, even so, it is never sure. A dry hole costs a lot of money, and that is why, if a dry hole
can be avoided, the cost of initial surveys is not important. It seems certain that when it
becomes known that the new electric method shows promise, the oil-drilling companies will be
"beating on the door." Just the open chance of a new and successful method will be enough. Here,
of course, is where quick success depends upon the way the new method is introduced, advertised
(if you will), Aand this is where the experience of Phoenix Geophysics, Inc., is so important.
Properly announced, with emphasis on the "new technology" success should not be long in coming.
Primary Energy Technology, Ltd.
Phoenix Geophysics, Inc..
(a joint venture)
This coordinated effort will serve a double purpose. It will:
The Joint Venture, therefore, proposes to use what we presently know about the phenomenon to
"postulate" a rational connection between existing earth currents and the presence of oil. The
postulate will "assume" that a connection exists. As a matter of fact, no one con know, one way
or the other, until adequate tests have been conducted over a period of time.
PET cannot do this alone. It must have field facilities and assistance of an established
exploration team actually engaged in oil prospecting. Portable petrovoltoic sensors suitable for
field use must be designed and built and the results compared with those of other electric
prospecting methods in use today. Surveys must be made across known oil fields to obtain
quantitative profiles. Only established oil prospecting teams having operational privileges
with the major oil companies have such "free" access.
There are, of course, many companies, both here and abroad, with established reputations in
electric prospecting. Phoenix Geophysics of Denver is one of those companies and is a recognized
leader. A working association with Phoenix would appear to be invaluable if arrangements can be
made. Preliminary telephone contact has already taken place with the President of the company,
and a plan of friendly collaboration seems possible.
In other words, a joint effort would accomplish a working relationship whereby a base
laboratory and field facilities would be made available to PET. Such facilities, it is assumed,
would be in Denver or wherever Pheonix performs its laboratory work. The operation of the joint
effort would be entirely the responsibility of Phoenix, with PET retaining only minimal
functions as necessary.
Laboratory equipment and all sensors, presently in storage on Catalina Island, would be
supplied, free of charge, to Phoenix, to assist in getting started. PET would not be called
upon to assist in any experimental, production or field costs. Its function would be that of a
holding company, for the benefit of the Partners who may wish eventually to acquire fond leases
in anticipation of future drilling.
Patents would be applied for by the Foundation as required by Phoenix during development, and
Phoenix would be granted exclusive licenses covering their use. The Foundation would pay all
patent expenses including filing of application and the payment of foreign annuities.
The Joint-Venture would be maintained on a 50-50 profit basis with PET. As shown on the
attached flow chart. Phoenix receives all revenue from services to the oil industry concerning
exploration. After legitimate expenses in the field are paid, Phoenix pays PET 50% of the net
income. This is in return for the exclusive patent license. PET, in turn, pays 50% of its
income to the Foundation for consulting services, which are continually provided to Phoenix.
PET's partners (investors) are at no continuing expense beyond the initial $10,000 to buy the
laboratory equipment which it provides gratis to Phoenix to get started. The partners do supply
the Foundation $2500/mo. -Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec., 1985, during the time the program is
getting underway. It is assumed that beginning in January, 1986, PET has adequate income from
Phoenix to take care of these $2500/mo. retainers to the Foundation. TTB and JBB are paid
$1500/mo. from the Foundation for their personal consulting and secretarial services.
In summary then, this sets forth the initial steps of the 50-50 Joint Venture. It provides:

Please be advised that this document is copyrighted © by The Townsend Brown family. All rights reserved.
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