Electrogravitic Communication
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Electrogravitic communication (EGC) systems are based on the use of electromagnetically generated gravitational waves
rather than electromagnetic waves typically used in radio, television, and other communications systems.
EGC systems offer the potential of instantaneous communication over unlimited distances due to the nature of the
structure of space theorized by Townsend Brown. In addition, modulated frequencies transmitted and received by EGC
electrogravitc communication apparatuses designed and tested were not attenuated by electromagnetic shielding, and
the working upper range of frequencies could not be determined during testing.
EGC systems are ideally suited for civilian (as well as military) applications - ultra-high, electrogravitic frequency transmission
receivable over large distances, and not susceptible to attenuation by ground mass or shielding.
Relevant Documents:
Please be advised that several of the above documents are copyrighted © by The Townsend Brown family. All rights reserved. Please
Legal and Copyright Information for additional copyright information.
Relevant Articles:
Communicating with
Mars - The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec by Robert A. Nelson.
Faster than a Speeding Light
by E. E. Richards.
Gravity Waves -
Production of Gravity Waves for Communications and Propulsion Purposes.
Notes on Scalar Detector Designs
by Robert Shannon, 1996.
Will gravity-wave
communication be possible? - Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE. Unfortunately, this
paper is a pay site, but a good library should be able to access the original article.
Submitted Articles:
"Application of Ether Longitudinal Waves for
Telecommunication Systems"
by Alexander V. Frolov.
Research Organizations:
Wave Radio
Meta Research -
a scientific non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation presenting "scientifically viable challenges
to mainstream paradigms."