The Thomas Townsend Brown Family Website
Welcome to the The Thomas Townsend Brown Family Website. The mission of this website is to act as a clearinghouse for public and private documentation, videos, patents and other sources of information associated with the life and research of the American physicist, Thomas Townsned Brown.
Please feel free to utilize the resources you find on thios website, but we do ask that you properly reference any resources that you do use. Thank you, Linda Ann Brown Daughter of T. Townsend BrownThomas Townsend Brown

Brown was blessed with the unique ability to "see what others have seen and think what nobody has thought." As a teenager in the 1920s, working in a well-equipped laboratory in the basement of his prominent Ohio family's opulent home, Brown noticed an unusual effect when high voltage was applied to a Coolidge X-Ray tube. With that observation, he came to believe he had discovered a link between electricity and gravity - and a way to lift and propel flying vehicles by purely electrical means.
Thus begins the odyssey of T. Townsend Brown, who spent a lifetime crisscrossing the hemisphere in the relentless pursuit of his "flying saucer pipe dreams."

"The Good-Bye Man"

"The Good-Bye Man" | Link |
The Cosmic Token: moderated by Linda Brown | Link |
"Selected Videos of Interest" | Link |