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February 9, 1982

Dear Mr. L,

This will acknowledge your letter of Dec. 5, 1981.

For your information, Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld died about 1940. He was Professor of Astronomy and Director of Swazey Observatory, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. To my knowledge, his research in gravitation was never published. Denison University appears to have retained no information as to his activities in this field.

Books on gravitation are quite numerous but few deal with the subject of electrogravitics. I know of no formal treatise on the subject published to date, but, speculation is quite common in the esoteric field.

I regret to advise you that electrogravitic research has been taken over in its entirety by a California Corporation which has imposed secrecy - at least until their investigations are completed. No further publication or release of information is permitted, possibly until next year.

I regret I can be of so little help to you.


T. Townsend Brown