Mark VII : received
Letters Menu | Previous LetterMarch 21, 1983 Mr. Brown, This letter comes in the hope that you'll answer my prayers. In 1982 I wrote you for information on electro-gravity. You replied by saying you couldn't. Since then I've found "every patent" you had granted. My goal is to receive "any" thing I can so that I may write a book about "you." I have already written 100 pages. But I need your help: I "need" the following:1. Your permission to write about you.I read some material one you and feel that there "should" be more. Your 78 now, and there is no information of your work. "I Can't Let You Die Without At Least Writing Something On You"! I idolize you. "YOUR PERMISSION AND ANYTHING ELSE WOULD BE APPRECIATED" Mark M.
2. Any pictures you can provide
3. Any books, tapes or cassettes with your voice telling about your discovery.
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Please visit Ms. Jan Roses Blog Spot, "Honk if You Know Townsend Brown," dedicated to "The meandering reviews of the mysterious events, connections and coincidences found in the continuing saga of Thomas Townsend Brown, his daughter and their friends," at
A copy of the full, 100-page version of "Hello Stupid," by Beau Kitselman is available at HelloStupid.Org courtesy of "Tyler."
A site dedicated to the 1955-1959 Paris tests of the Biefeld-Brown Effect (Project Montgolfier), under S.N.C.A.S.O. can be found HERE, courtesy of the Jacques Cornillon family.