Mark VI : return
Letters Menu | Previous Letter | Next LetterMay 14, 1984 Dear Mark, Your kind letter to my husband has been received and I am pleased that you would like to follow up some of his work. I must tell you again that this is going to be a long and difficult road and that, if you are going to succeed, you will need a Ph.D. and university help. You are young enough now to plan your university career so that you can obtain a position on the staff of an accredited physics department. In this day and age, so much money is required and so much depends upon your academic stature, that to take any other course would be tantamount to the loss off a lifetime of otherwise fruitful effort. As you may know, my husband is not well and is confined to bed much of the time. I take over many of his responsibilities, including answering this letter to you - and I trust you understand. A 50,000 volt generator would be a toy to amuse you but would be worthless to you as far as research goes. A university physics department is your _only_ ultimate answer. We would be pleased to know what your plans may be. With affection and encouragement, Sincerely, (Mrs. T. Townsend Brown)
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Please visit Ms. Jan Roses Blog Spot, "Honk if You Know Townsend Brown," dedicated to "The meandering reviews of the mysterious events, connections and coincidences found in the continuing saga of Thomas Townsend Brown, his daughter and their friends," at

A copy of the full, 100-page version of "Hello Stupid," by Beau Kitselman is available at HelloStupid.Org courtesy of "Tyler."

A site dedicated to the 1955-1959 Paris tests of the Biefeld-Brown Effect (Project Montgolfier), under S.N.C.A.S.O. can be found HERE, courtesy of the Jacques Cornillon family.