Lowell I : received
Letters Menu | Next LetterJuly 31, 1982 Dear Mr. Brown, The only conclusion I can come to is that you are part 2 dollar bill and part 3 dollar bill. A very clever phoney. The Navy cannot be forced to ask you for the information from your files to reevaluate the tests you claim you made at Pearl Harbor. Also due to a privacy act at a check of your service records cannot be made to determine what your WWII service really was. (Did you do all you said you did.) That French company is said to have spent $500,000 on a vacuum chamber. I am sure the records should be around for why it was built. Besides you claim those models used air for a dielectric. Then How could they work in a vacuum? Even a proposal (request for funds to do research) to the Navy would still be on file. They have no record on you. I am sorry to find out you have turned out to be a liar. Degravitation would be a wonderful thing for the aero-space program. Sincerely yours, Lowell P.
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Please visit Ms. Jan Roses Blog Spot, "Honk if You Know Townsend Brown," dedicated to "The meandering reviews of the mysterious events, connections and coincidences found in the continuing saga of Thomas Townsend Brown, his daughter and their friends," at jansrose.blogspot.com/.
A copy of the full, 100-page version of "Hello Stupid," by Beau Kitselman is available at HelloStupid.Org courtesy of "Tyler."
A site dedicated to the 1955-1959 Paris tests of the Biefeld-Brown Effect (Project Montgolfier), under S.N.C.A.S.O. can be found HERE, courtesy of the Jacques Cornillon family.