California Institute of Technology III: return

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August 7, 1973

Dr. William P.
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California 91109

Dear Dr. P,

The project I mentioned to you in my last letter is turning out to be more expensive and time-consuming than I had anticipated. There have been at least three full years of electrometer records which have never been analyzed or charted against sidereal time. The work involved has been tremendous. To give you an idea, the instrument took a reading every 3 minutes. This means we are processing about 170,000 readings for each year. I have had to put two additional assistants, with electric calculators, to do the job and it has not yet been completed.

On initial inspection, I believe these data are significant and will be of considerable assistance to us in seeking an explanation.

I shall be in touch with you as soon as the work is completed.


T. Townsend Brown